31 December 2010

Te Deum Laudamus

Well, here we are about to enter the year of our Lord 2011.

One recent correspondent asked why the Pimpernel bothers pursuing insignificant bloggers who perpetrate pomposity in their public carry-on about the liturgy. The answer is in the question. But the chap has a point. Lancing boils is not always the most pleasant of pastimes. Necessary perhaps, lest they fester. But far more pleasant to promote good practice. Possibly a good new year's resolution.

And so, on this traditional day of thanksgiving, let's do just that for some of those who give exemplary daily faithful service to Christ and His Church, for whom fidelity to the sacred liturgy is a matter of honour. Let us also thank God for the many, many more people who know not how to blog nor have the slightest desire so to do and yet who do their bit, large or small, in honour of the sacred liturgy.

Amongst the more visible fruits of this devotion in 2010 one thinks of the new FSSP seminary chapel consecrated this year in Denton, Nebraska, and of the support given them by Bishop Bruskewitz. We give thanks for the daily life of the monks of Clear Creek and the grace of the election of their new Abbot, and for the support they enjoy from their splendid Bishop Slattery. We thank God for the daily perseverance in Catholic unity of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer over in Scotland, and for the conscious efforts of so many pastors, like Fr Ray Blake and Fr Tim Finigan, who care for parishes and place the liturgy at the top of their priorities.

We thank God for the good efforts being made in the study of the sacred liturgy in places such as the Liturgical Institute in Chicago, and for all the efforts of the internet's Liturgical Apostle, Shawn Tribe and of its Apostle of Sacred Music, Jeffrey Tucker.

With great hope we render thanks for the elevation of two Princes of the Sacred Liturgy, Raymond Cardinal Burke and Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith, for a Prince of Sacred Music, Domenico Cardinal Bartolucci, and for the liturgical leadership of Antonio Cardinal Llovera, as well as for that of many fine bishops throughout the world. We thank God for the example of Monsignor Guido Marini.

And we give thanks for His Holines, Pope Benedict XVI, Pope of the Sacred Liturgy. May Almighty God grant him health, long life, protection from his enemies and wisdom and strength to govern the Church.

For these, and the many other blessings of 2010, we sing our Te Deum. 

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